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Joyful Noise

Eric Vloeimans | Ravelli Brass

Joyful Noise

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Records
UPC: 0608917354423
Catnr: CR 73544
Release date: 07 April 2023
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Challenge Records
Catalogue number
CR 73544
Release date
07 April 2023

"... A man who plays as he lives: extravagant, well Eric Vloeimans, and unpredictable, funny and always on offbeat ways. ..."

Jazzthing, 24-5-2023

About the album

Here we are, then, and I’m really proud to present our CD to you – JOYFUL NOISE. the product of a tremendous collaboration and the confluence of a range of musical currents. In 2021, Challenge Records gave me the opportunity to conceive and produce a new CD. I had previously completed a project with the Ravelli Brass septet and ace drummer Arie den Boer. My roots are in the world of brass bands and I really wanted to let those roots shine through. Wouldn’t it be great to make a CD with this classically trained septet? My previous experiences with Holland Baroque and the Calefax reed quintet had shown me that my own free approach to music could work really well and powerfully in symbiosis with the classical style. Marcel Landman at Challenge Records also thought this was a great idea, and so we got to work. Of course, we needed some music for this venture, and that proved a bit of a ‘challenge’! I had enough compositional ideas but the art of arrangement was a completely new world to me. It turned into a ‘learning by doing’ process, and in that learning process I was lucky enough to get help from some of my very experienced arranger colleagues. My heartfelt thanks go out to bass trombonist Dick Bolt, trumpeter Thomas Geerts and trombonist Bernard Hunnekink. The chemistry kept bubbling away at our live concerts and we started recording in early 2022 at the Vereeniging in Nijmegen.

This whole adventure has led to the release of this CD and I’m really proud of my first proper brass CD. It’s been made possible by Challenge Records, the wonderful brass sound of Ravelli Brass, of course, Arie de Boer and the Cantus Firmus Concertproducties Foundation.

I hope that you also feel this music makes a ‘JOYFUL NOISE’! Eric Vloeimans
Hier sind wir also, und ich bin wirklich stolz darauf, Ihnen unsere CD JOYFUL NOISE zu präsentieren, die das Ergebnis einer großartigen Zusammenarbeit und des Zusammenflusses verschiedener musikalischer Strömungen ist. Im Jahr 2021 gab mir Challenge Records die Möglichkeit, eine neue CD zu konzipieren und zu produzieren. Zuvor hatte ich bereits ein Projekt mit dem Ravelli Brass Septett und dem hervorragenden Schlagzeuger Arie den Boer abgeschlossen. Meine Wurzeln liegen in der Welt der Blaskapellen, und ich wollte diese Wurzeln wirklich zum Vorschein bringen. Wäre es nicht großartig, eine CD mit diesem klassisch ausgebildeten Septett aufzunehmen? Meine früheren Erfahrungen mit Holland Baroque und dem Calefax Reed Quintet hatten mir gezeigt, dass meine eigene freie Herangehensweise an die Musik sehr gut und kraftvoll in Symbiose mit dem klassischen Stil funktionieren kann. Marcel Landman von Challenge Records fand diese Idee ebenfalls großartig, und so machten wir uns an die Arbeit. Natürlich brauchten wir Musik für dieses Projekt, und das erwies sich als eine kleine "Herausforderung"! Ich hatte genügend kompositorische Ideen, aber die Kunst des Arrangements war für mich eine völlig neue Welt. Es wurde zu einem 'Learning by doing'-Prozess, und bei diesem Lernprozess hatte ich das Glück, von einigen meiner sehr erfahrenen Arrangeur-Kollegen Hilfe zu bekommen. Mein herzlicher Dank geht an den Bassposaunisten Dick Bolt, den Trompeter Thomas Geerts und den Posaunisten Bernard Hunnekink. Bei unseren Live-Konzerten stimmte die Chemie, und Anfang 2022 begannen wir mit den Aufnahmen in der Vereeniging in Nijmegen.

Dieses ganze Abenteuer hat zur Veröffentlichung dieser CD geführt und ich bin wirklich stolz auf meine erste richtige Bläser-CD. Möglich gemacht haben das Challenge Records, der wunderbare Bläserklang von Ravelli Brass, natürlich Arie de Boer und die Stiftung Cantus Firmus Concertproducties.

Ich hoffe, dass auch Sie diese Musik als 'JOYFUL NOISE' empfinden! Eric Vloeimans


Eric Vloeimans (trumpet)

Eric Vloeimans (Huizen, 1963) is an improvising trumpeter and composer who regards the term ‘jazz’ as too limiting to describe his music. His work is characterized by melodic and lyrical power, and a distinctive, individual sound that is called velvety or whispering in the more subdued pieces. From 2006/2007 Eric Vloeimans has been active with two much-praised formations: the chamber jazz trio Fugimundi (Anton Goudsmit guitar, Harmen Fraanje piano) and the electric band Gatecrash, in which rock and funk elements can be traced (Jeroen van Vliet keyboards, Gulli Gudmundsson bass, Jasper van Hulten drums). With the latter group, he employs electronic effects in his trumpet playing for the first time. In addition, he continues to develop other projects, such as the band...
Eric Vloeimans (Huizen, 1963) is an improvising trumpeter and composer who regards the term ‘jazz’ as too limiting to describe his music. His work is characterized by melodic and lyrical power, and a distinctive, individual sound that is called velvety or whispering in the more subdued pieces.
From 2006/2007 Eric Vloeimans has been active with two much-praised formations: the chamber jazz trio Fugimundi (Anton Goudsmit guitar, Harmen Fraanje piano) and the electric band Gatecrash, in which rock and funk elements can be traced (Jeroen van Vliet keyboards, Gulli Gudmundsson bass, Jasper van Hulten drums). With the latter group, he employs electronic effects in his trumpet playing for the first time.
In addition, he continues to develop other projects, such as the band Oliver’s Cinema with accordion player Tuur Florizoone and cellist Jörg Brinkmann (CD available from August 2013, and a US tour in October 2014)) , and a duo with pianist Florian Weber, with a CD release : Live at the Concertgebouw in 2011.
His broad range of interests has led Vloeimans to collaborate with artists from other musical worlds. In the pop music area, these include Fay Lovsky, Doe Maar, Spinvis, Jan Akkerman and trumpeter Kyteman (Colin Benders). Where world music is concerned, Vloeimans was involved in projects with flamenco guitarist Eric Vaarzon Morel, Latin pianist Ramon Valle, and the fado-inspired Pessoa of Fernando Lameirinhas.
Vloeimans has performed as a soloist with classical ensembles such as the Matangi Quartet, the Calefax Reed Quintet, the Metropole Orchestra, the Gelderland Orchestra, the Limburg Symphony Orchestra, the Holland Baroque Society, the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra and the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra.
2011 saw the premiere of his first trumpet concerto, Evensong, with the Limburg Symphony Orchestra, orchestrated by Martin Fondse, and recorded for CD with the Netherlands Symphony Orchestra.

Bob Koertshuis (trumpet)

Tonnie Kievits (trumpet)

Jacq Sanders (trumpet)

Jilt Jansma (trombone)

Christian Ansink (trombone)

Dick Bolt (trombone)


Eric Vloeimans (trumpet)

Eric Vloeimans (Huizen, 1963) is an improvising trumpeter and composer who regards the term ‘jazz’ as too limiting to describe his music. His work is characterized by melodic and lyrical power, and a distinctive, individual sound that is called velvety or whispering in the more subdued pieces. From 2006/2007 Eric Vloeimans has been active with two much-praised formations: the chamber jazz trio Fugimundi (Anton Goudsmit guitar, Harmen Fraanje piano) and the electric band Gatecrash, in which rock and funk elements can be traced (Jeroen van Vliet keyboards, Gulli Gudmundsson bass, Jasper van Hulten drums). With the latter group, he employs electronic effects in his trumpet playing for the first time. In addition, he continues to develop other projects, such as the band...
Eric Vloeimans (Huizen, 1963) is an improvising trumpeter and composer who regards the term ‘jazz’ as too limiting to describe his music. His work is characterized by melodic and lyrical power, and a distinctive, individual sound that is called velvety or whispering in the more subdued pieces.
From 2006/2007 Eric Vloeimans has been active with two much-praised formations: the chamber jazz trio Fugimundi (Anton Goudsmit guitar, Harmen Fraanje piano) and the electric band Gatecrash, in which rock and funk elements can be traced (Jeroen van Vliet keyboards, Gulli Gudmundsson bass, Jasper van Hulten drums). With the latter group, he employs electronic effects in his trumpet playing for the first time.
In addition, he continues to develop other projects, such as the band Oliver’s Cinema with accordion player Tuur Florizoone and cellist Jörg Brinkmann (CD available from August 2013, and a US tour in October 2014)) , and a duo with pianist Florian Weber, with a CD release : Live at the Concertgebouw in 2011.
His broad range of interests has led Vloeimans to collaborate with artists from other musical worlds. In the pop music area, these include Fay Lovsky, Doe Maar, Spinvis, Jan Akkerman and trumpeter Kyteman (Colin Benders). Where world music is concerned, Vloeimans was involved in projects with flamenco guitarist Eric Vaarzon Morel, Latin pianist Ramon Valle, and the fado-inspired Pessoa of Fernando Lameirinhas.
Vloeimans has performed as a soloist with classical ensembles such as the Matangi Quartet, the Calefax Reed Quintet, the Metropole Orchestra, the Gelderland Orchestra, the Limburg Symphony Orchestra, the Holland Baroque Society, the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra and the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra.
2011 saw the premiere of his first trumpet concerto, Evensong, with the Limburg Symphony Orchestra, orchestrated by Martin Fondse, and recorded for CD with the Netherlands Symphony Orchestra.


... A man who plays as he lives: extravagant, well Eric Vloeimans, and unpredictable, funny and always on offbeat ways. ...
Jazzthing, 24-5-2023

I actually didn't know what to expect from the collaboration of Vloeimans and Ravelli Brass, actually I should have known better, all his albums are little masterpieces, From his collaboration with Colin Benders in Kytecrash, Oliver's Cinema with amongst others Tuur Floorizone to his musical impressions of the animals in the port of Rotterdam, all successful and a treat for the ears and that also applies to this album!
Rootstime, 01-7-2023

The artistic deal with Vloeimans led to a beautiful result.
Jazzism, 01-6-2023

... an exciting opus of 39 miniatures with cello and trumpet ...
Jazzthing 06 08 2023, 01-6-2023

... This warm musicality is enhanced by his superb interpretations with different tones that reinforce this musical line that installs a cohesion of the most delicate.
Radio Rec, 13-4-2023

Play album Play album
(Eric Vloeimans) Arjan Stroop, Dick Bolt, Christian Ansink, Jilt Jansma, Jacq Sanders, Tonnie Kievits, Bob Koertshuis, Eric Vloeimans
Your Royal Highness
(Eric Vloeimans) Arjan Stroop, Dick Bolt, Christian Ansink, Jilt Jansma, Jacq Sanders, Tonnie Kievits, Bob Koertshuis, Eric Vloeimans
(Eric Vloeimans) Bob Koertshuis, Arjan Stroop, Dick Bolt, Christian Ansink, Jilt Jansma, Jacq Sanders, Tonnie Kievits, Eric Vloeimans
Balkan Spirits
(Eric Vloeimans) Dick Bolt, Arjan Stroop, Christian Ansink, Jilt Jansma, Jacq Sanders, Tonnie Kievits, Bob Koertshuis, Eric Vloeimans
Industrial Movement Part 3
(Eric Vloeimans) Arjan Stroop, Dick Bolt, Christian Ansink, Eric Vloeimans, Bob Koertshuis, Tonnie Kievits, Jacq Sanders, Jilt Jansma
Innermission 6
(Eric Vloeimans) Arjan Stroop, Dick Bolt, Christian Ansink, Jilt Jansma, Jacq Sanders, Tonnie Kievits, Bob Koertshuis, Eric Vloeimans
(Eric Vloeimans) Arjan Stroop, Dick Bolt, Christian Ansink, Jilt Jansma, Jacq Sanders, Tonnie Kievits, Bob Koertshuis, Eric Vloeimans
Realm of Ease
(Eric Vloeimans) Arjan Stroop, Dick Bolt, Christian Ansink, Jilt Jansma, Jacq Sanders, Tonnie Kievits, Bob Koertshuis, Eric Vloeimans
Crazy Witches
(Eric Vloeimans) Arjan Stroop, Dick Bolt, Christian Ansink, Jilt Jansma, Jacq Sanders, Tonnie Kievits, Bob Koertshuis, Eric Vloeimans
Very Long Intro to the Sad Toreador
(Eric Vloeimans) Arjan Stroop, Dick Bolt, Christian Ansink, Jilt Jansma, Jacq Sanders, Tonnie Kievits, Bob Koertshuis, Eric Vloeimans
The Sad Toreador
(Eric Vloeimans) Arjan Stroop, Dick Bolt, Christian Ansink, Jilt Jansma, Jacq Sanders, Tonnie Kievits, Bob Koertshuis, Eric Vloeimans
Joyful Noise
(Eric Vloeimans) Dick Bolt, Arjan Stroop, Christian Ansink, Jilt Jansma, Jacq Sanders, Tonnie Kievits, Bob Koertshuis, Eric Vloeimans
Tender Mercies
(Eric Vloeimans) Arjan Stroop, Dick Bolt, Christian Ansink, Jilt Jansma, Jacq Sanders, Tonnie Kievits, Bob Koertshuis, Eric Vloeimans
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